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Investor Presentaiton

2 Qualifying statements Disclaimer Regarding Forward Looking Statements This ASX announcement (Announcement) contains various forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to uncertainties in that they may be affected by a variety of known and unknown risks, variables and factors which could cause actual values or results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from the expectations described in such forward-looking statements. ABX does not give any assurance that the anticipated results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied in those forward-looking statements will be achieved. General The information in this report that relate to Exploration Information and Mineral Resources are based on information compiled by lan Levy who is a member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Australian. Institute of Geoscientists. Mr Levy is a qualified geologist and a director of ABX Group Limited. Mr Levy has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity, which they are undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Mr Levy has consented in writing to the inclusion in this report of the Exploration Information in the form and context in which it appears.
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