Investor Presentaiton
Macquarie FY20 result announcement I
Overview of Result
Result Analysis and Financial Management
Business activity since 31 March 2020
Non-Banking Group
Banking Group
Annuity-style businesses
Macquarie Asset Management (MAM)
Continued MIRA investment and divestment activity (AirTrunk, Cincinnati Bell,
Viesgo and LG CNS acquisitions in MIRA funds and Macquarie European Rail
sale from balance sheet)
Well-positioned in the current environment to capitalise on investment
opportunities, with continued fundraising activity across the MIRA platform and
significant equity to deploy
Macquarie AirFinance investment (50% owned by MQG) actively working with
airlines to provide temporary relief to reflect their near-term revenue challenges
MIM's solid investment performance from Mar 20 continued into Apr 20 across
key strategies in both the Fixed Income and Equity Fund
Banking and Financial Services (BFS)
Continued strong growth in deposits driven by existing and new-to-bank
deposit clients
• Continued extension of credit in line within prudent lending standards
Digitised payment pause applications to enable the timely processing of
requests for clients in need of support: Approximately 75% of payment pause
requests were processed for BFS clients within the first week of Macquarie's
COVID-19 support package being launched
Non-Banking Group
Banking Group
Markets-facing businesses
Macquarie Capital (MacCap)
Significant client engagement and evaluation of opportunities in the
current environment
Supported clients in raising more than $A6.8b of equity2. Since 1 Mar 20, the
ASX has been the most active exchange in the world³, with more than $A18.8b
equity raised4
⚫ Continued to support clients with bespoke financing solutions and focused on
investing in credit markets
Development & construction activity in some jurisdictions has slowed with some
projects proceeding under significantly tightened health and safety measures.
As the pandemic passes, we expect a swift recovery in activity levels given the
essential nature of many of our infrastructure and energy projects
Commodities and Global Markets¹ (CGM)
⚫ Product and client sector diversity continues to be an area of strength
⚫ Increased activity as clients seek to rebalance their portfolios to manage risk
Renewed Commodity Markets and Financing borrowing facility
Funding education technology infrastructure in Australia and healthcare assets,
including robotics, in UK
Support Groups
⚫ With most staff working remotely globally, provided a stable technology experience for staff; completed year-end reporting; continued to raise funding; maintained effective risk
management and supervision.
1. Note certain assets of the Credit Markets business, certain activities of the Cash Equities business and the Commodity Markets and Finance business, and some other less financially significant activities are undertaken from within the Non-Banking Group. 2. Dealogic Macquarie Group completed
ASX raisings, 1 Mar 20 to 1 May 20. Deal values reflect the full transaction value and not an attributed value. 3. Dealogic all exchange raisings completed, 1 Mar 20 to 1 May 20. 4. Dealogic completed ASX raisings, 1 Mar 20 to 1 May 20.
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