California Updates & ESG Initiatives
Governance and Oversight
Board of Directors
Receives briefings from the board's Sustainability Committee at regular board
Sustainability Committee of the Board
Receives written reports and updates from management that include progress
on metrics and updates from the ESG Council
ESG Council
Comprised of state presidents, members of the SJW Group executive
leadership team and individuals representing ESG initiatives within the
organization who collaborate and report on ESG initiatives and targets
Sustainability Team
Comprised of senior leaders from a cross-section of functional areas who
meet regularly to discuss strategy and planning necessary to identify and
achieve ESG goals
Corporate Governance Policies
Code of Ethics for Financial Executives
Code of Conduct
Corporate Governance Policies
Environmental Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Human Right to Water Policy
Human Rights Policy
Nomination of Directors Policy
Vendor Code of Conduct Policy
Whistleblower Policy
Available at
SJW Group 22View entire presentation