Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion slide image

Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion

Income Statement € mn 4Q2021 3Q2021 qoq% Net Interest Income 73 71 2% Net fee and commission income 44 44 -1% Net foreign exchange gains/(losses) on financial instrument transactions and disposal/dissolution of subsidiaries and associates Insurance income net of claims and commissions 10 6 87% 18 12 60% Net gains from revaluation and disposal of investment properties and on disposal of stock of properties 5 2 99% Other income 4 4 -6% Total income Staff costs Other operating expenses Special levy on deposits and other levies/contributions Total expenses Operating profit Loan credit losses Impairments of other financial and non-financial assets Net reversal/(provisions) for litigation, claims, regulatory and other matters Total loan credit losses, impairments and provisions Profit before tax and non-recurring items Tax (Loss)/profit attributable to non-controlling interests Profit after tax and before non-recurring items (attributable to the owners of the Company) Advisory and other restructuring costs - organic Profit after tax - organic (attributable to the owners of the Company) Net (loss)/profit relating to NPE sales Restructuring and other costs Profit after tax (attributable to the owners of the Company) 154 139 11% (50) (51) (37) (38) -3% (12) (9) 26% (99) (98) 1% 55 41 33% (9) (22) -55% (23) (2) 8 (2) (24) (26) -7% 31 15 96% (2) (2) 2% (2) 27 13 101% (3) (1) 24 12 96% (1) 10 (13) (3) 10 19 -46% 77
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