Improving Domestic Violence Responses in Rhode Island slide image

Improving Domestic Violence Responses in Rhode Island

Inconsistent assessment and information sharing practices within RIDOC and with other agencies challenge a coordinated DV response. DV-specific assessments are not conducted in RIDOC facilities, which can impact assessed levels of risk and need. While the Level of Service Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) is used to assess general criminogenic risk and need factors, no DV-specific assessments, such as the Domestic Violence Screening Instrument - Revised (DVSI-R), the Lethality Assessment, or the Spousal Assault Risk Assessment (SARA), are conducted within RIDOC. While the LS/CMI is an excellent tool to determine programming needs, without DV-specific assessments, probation and parole officers are limited in their ability to ascertain an individual's lethality risk, the potential to commit extreme harm, or dynamics of violence that may impact recidivism. In addition, there is limited BH assessment, though a high percentage of people who commit DV have co-occurring BH issues. Departments within RIDOC and community responses to DV are siloed. This challenges the provision of support and resources to victims and survivors as well as to individuals seeking treatment for committing DV. DV-specific probation and parole officers are limited in their opportunities to collaborate on issues impacting the people they supervise. There are ongoing complications between RIDOC and the judiciary regarding communication between the agencies, the roles and responsibilities of supervision officers, and a lack of shared vision regarding the rehabilitation of those who have committed DV. Individuals with severe BH needs are often housed in RIDOC prior to competency evaluations, though RIDOC is unable to provide responsive, targeted resources for this population. Stakeholders also reported concems about individuals who are sentenced to serve time in RIDOC whose BH needs exceed the resources available. There is a lack of communication between the Office of the Attorney General and RIDOC about information on restraining and no contact orders, which creates barriers for reentry planning and supervision compliance. Intercept 4 Recap Intercept 4 Recap The Council of State Governments Justice Center, "Interventions in the Community, Incarceration, and Community Corrections" (PowerPoint presentation, Third Presentation to the Domestic Violence Response Justice Reinvestment Working Group, March 21, 2023). The Council of State Governments Justice Center | 8
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