3Q20 Financial Performance slide image

3Q20 Financial Performance

DIVERSIFIED ASSET STRUCTURE AND LOAN PORTFOLIO TOTAL ASSETS | SEP-20 LIQUID ASSETS | SEP-20 Total: GEL 21.2bln Total: GEL 6.3bln Other assets 5.6% Liquid assets 30.0% bonds, treasury bills, Other liquid assets Government 15.2% Cash and equivalents 34.0% Loans to Amounts customers, net 64.4% LOANS BREAKDOW | SEP-20 Total Gross Loans by segments Bank of Georgia standalone Total: GEL 13.2bln CIB loans, GEL 4,518.2 Retail loans min, GEL 8,660.1 34.3% mln, 65.7% Credit. cards and overdrafts 2.4% Retail Banking Net Loans by product Total: GEL 8.4bln NBG CDs 19.6% due from credit institutions 31.2% 23 Corporate and Investment Banking Mining and quarrying. 2.8% Transport and Communication 4.0% Gross Loans by sectors Total: GEL 4.5bln Other 12.1% Service 3.2% Manufacturing 21.4% Other General 2.1% consumer loans Mortgage 19.2% loans 41.7% Micro and SME loans 34.6% Construction 1.6% Development 7.1% Agro ✓ 10.0% Commercial real estate 11.1% Trade 14.3% Hospitality 12.4%
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