Westpac Financial Performance Update
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Covered Bond Pool - Overview
Covered Bond Pool eligibility criteria
First ranking mortgage registered under the New Zealand
Real Property Legislation
All loans are secured by a mortgage over land and a
completed residential dwelling
All residential mortgages are denominated and payable in
New Zealand dollars
Loans are originated by WNZL in the ordinary course of its
business, subject to standard loan offer terms and
Outstanding Principal Balance owed by the borrower is not
more than NZD1.5 million
Borrower is a New Zealand resident
Total Pool Loan Balance¹
Number of Loans
Cover Pool Loan Statistics as at 3 May 2016
Average Loan Size
Max Loan Size
Weighted Average Current LVR
WA LVR (Indexed)
90 day + Arrears
Weighted Average Seasoning
39 months
Loans become amortising loans after any "interest only"
Loans are not governed or regulated by any rural, primary
production, moratorium or mediation legislation other
than Credit Contracts Act 1981 (NZ) or the Credit Contracts
and Consumer Finance Act 2003 (NZ)
Loans required to be repaid within 30 years of sale
Loans are not delinquent more than 30 days or in default
Weighted Average Remaining
Term to Maturity
Max Remaining Term to Maturity
Weighted Average Interest Rate
Fixed/Floating Split
Interest Only
278 months
30 years
86% / 14%
1 Pool loan balance excludes cash balances.
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