FY 19-20 Budget Priorities Summary slide image

FY 19-20 Budget Priorities Summary

Sources of SCTIB Revenue State Sources: General Fund surplus of $66 M in FY 1997 (one-time) Truck Registration Fees 50% in FY 1999 and 100% thereafter Amount from SCDOT not to exceed proceeds from 1¢ per gallon of gasoline user fee Motor Vehicle Registration Revenues Portion of Electric Power Tax Other Sources: Horry County Loan I First $15 million per year from Hospitality Fees for 20 years (paid) Horry County Loan II Increasing amounts paid from Hospitality Fees for 22 years (FY2022) SCDOT Conway Bypass Loans II $7.6 million per year for 20 years beginning in 2000 Charleston County - Cooper River Bridge Project $3 million per year for 25 years ending in FY2028 SC State Ports Authority - Cooper River Bridge Project $5 million in FY2002, $15 million in FY2003 $1 million per year for 25 years ending in FY2027 SCDOT Cooper River Bridge Project - $8 million per year for 25 years ending in FY2027 Other Sources Cont. SCDOT - US17 Ace Basin Project repayment of $82 million loan @ $4.9 M a year until FY2037 SCDOT - Multi-Project Agreement Repayment of $94 million loan for various projects @ $10 M a year until FY2022 Florence County - Florence County Sales Tax Projects $125 million over 7 years from county local option sales tax beginning in FY2007 (Paid FY14) 80
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