Investor Presentaiton
FMD Vaccination in Yak
Trial started in Ghizer district (9 villages). Total Yak
population of these villages is 3417
Vaccination was done in 2193 yaks while 1224 yaks acted as
unvaccinated control
Yaks were ear tagged, given primary and booster dose and
six monthly vaccination
Blood samples taken from yak for sero-surveillance (day 0) -
66 out of 136 i.e. 48.5% were positive for FMD-NSP
antibodies before vaccination
Vaccine response and outbreak data being recorded
Yaks gave higher ELISA titres following FMD vaccination,
titres continued to decline and were still better than pre-
vaccination titres at six months following booster
No clinical outbreak recorded in vaccinated animals while
one FMD outbreak (approx 2000 yaks affected with serotype
A) recorded in July 2013 in Nala Khukhush in district GhizerView entire presentation