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Investor Presentaiton

Tapping Namibia and S. Tomé & Principe exploration potential Namibia PEL 83 Kudu Mopane-1X Mopane-2X Namibia Namibia 80% in PEL 83 HERCULES UNUES ND 8758763 HERCULES S. Tomé & Principe 45% in block 6 20% in block 11 41% in block 12 Two significant light oil columns in Mopane-1X well in reservoir bearing sands of high quality Mopane-2X confirmed lateral extension of 1X reservoir and two promising discoveries Previously drilled well (Jaca in block 6) proving existence of working petroleum system Galp wells 30 KM Adjacent discoveries DST to evaluate commerciality & recovery to be concluded by early-April 16 Investor Presentation Assessing new exploration options for 2024+ galp
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