Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
■ Opportunities and Challenges
| The challenges and impacts of COVID-19 on Education
The Education Sector in Brazil has historically demonstrated
great resilience to economic crises and market shocks, as
during the period between 2013 and 2017, in which the
sector grew 37.5%, based on research studies by the
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). During
this period, the number of companies operating in the
private education market grew from 1.3 million companies to
1.8 in 2017.
However, the impacts of COVID-19 are very different from
previous crises and pose new challenges for public
managers, companies, students and families. According to a
study published by the World Bank, approximately 1.4 billion
students have been out of school in more than 150 countries
as a way to contain the spread of the virus.
| COVID-19 Impacts
For Brazil, the impacts of COVID-19 on education are significant, as closing the
school can mean an interruption in the learning process and increase the
dropout rate, especially for highly vulnerable children. Among the most relevant
impacts for education are:
The lack of interaction between students and teachers disrupts the
learning process and if the pandemic lasts for many weeks, it will not be
possible to make up for lost time when schools reopen.
• Significant increase in dropout rates, especially among students in highly
vulnerable families.
Among the many long-term consequences, a significant drop in the level of
future human capital is likely.
The interruption of classes also affects the social safety net. There are many
cases of children who have their only regular and healthy meal in school
lunches; or women who, as they are often primarily responsible for child care,
end up being overwhelmed by accumulating childcare work in times of
• Increased digital gap between high- and low-income students due to lack of
access to digital tools and socio-economic means.
Source: Banco Mundial
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