Investor Presentaiton
District level data for 2007 (BPS 2008, before the crisis)
reveal moderate levels of poverty in parts of West and
East Kalimantan, higher in rural areas than in the cities.
There is a clear correlation between more remote
districts, a high percentage of people employed in
agriculture and high poverty levels, e.g. the thinly
peopled Malinau district in East Kal: 23.6% poor (highest
in the province), with 92.4% of the 55,000 population
employed in agriculture.
Malinau has large areas of primary forest and national
park. A 'conservation district' with no oil palm and little
rubber, it would appear to qualify as experiencing "old
poverty", and not be much affected by the global crisis.
Yet Malinau's people are urgently seeking 'development'
and ignoring any likely downsides of market exposure.View entire presentation