Sustainability Report 2020
Portobello's Strategies
Solidarity that is born out of hardship.2020
saw important social actions promoted by Portobello,
which expanded into a nation-wide program
The Coletivo Solidário is an initiati-
ve that combines the strength of the
Portobello brand, the unifying and
mobilizing potential of Portobello
Shop stores and the social initiatives
of our architecture and design par-
tners to, collectively, advance good
actions in all of Brazil.
A digital platform publishes and pro-
motes good ideas turned into actions
to help our communities.
One example took place in March,
during Easter, when Portobello Shop
Campinas, in Santa Catarina, offe-
red food to the homeless and the
poor. Each volunteer cooked 10 me-
als at their own home and brought
them to the store, which then han-
ded them out.
For its part, Portobello Shop Bauru,
in São Paulo, donated tiles to reno-
vate the house of a poor family as
part of a project headed by archi-
tect Giovanna Ghirardello. Another
interesting project in this areas is
Mãos à Sobra, sponsored by Porto-
bello Shop Catalão, in Goiás, which
collects leftover building materials to
renovate the houses of poor families
and charitable organizations.
Learn more about the social projects
supported by the Portobello Shop chain stores
A nation-wide campaign promoted
by Portobello Shop that collects clo-
thing, blanket and food donations.
Over the months of July and August,
61 stores encouraged their partners,
employees, customers and desig-
ners to donate.
In return, for every 10 articles of clo-
thing or for every blanket collected
Portobello Shop donated an amount
equivalent to a blanket; and for every
10 kilograms of food or for every ba-
sic food basket collected Portobello
Shop donated an amount equivalent
to a basic food basket.
peças de roupas arrecadadas
cestas básicas arrecadadas
cobertores arrecadados
R$ 30 mil
doados pela franqueadora para que
as lojas destinem a instituições locais
Sustainability Report 2020 33View entire presentation