Bird Investor Presentation Deck slide image

Bird Investor Presentation Deck

4. Energy transition is core to Bird's mission BIRD RIDES TYPICALLY REPLACE HIGHER-EMISSION MODES Mode Shift Displacement Survey Results Other¹ 18% Public transit 9% Personal car 23% BIRD 51% of alternatives have higher emissions Walking 31% Ride-hail 19% Each Bird Two prevents an estimated 103kg of greenhouse gas emissions during its lifetime² EACH BIRD'S GHG OFFSET IS EQUIVALENT TO THE CARBON ABSORBED BY 40 TREES³ Note: GHG assumptions based on The Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET) Model Argonne National Laboratory. Mode Shift results based on an October 2019 Bird survey through Qualtrics of ~1k riders. 1. Other includes personal bike, personal scooter, and bikeshare. 2. Based on fully-burdened lifecycle analysis, adjusted for additional emissions related to upstream manufacturing, fuel extraction, caloric intake, shipping, and disposal, among others. Based on Bird Two actual data, including pre-COVID KPIs, ~1.5 year half-life, and 272 g/passenger mile lifecycle GHG emissions (compared to personal cars, which emit an estimated 463g/passenger mile). GHG emissions prevented calculated as weighted average based on percent of trips replaced across each mode. 3. Based on carbon sequestering per year of 6-year-old elm tree of 1,700 grams relative to a Bird Two over a 1.5 year period representative of a Bird Two half-life. 17
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