Investor Presentaiton
Committed to safety and sustainability
Safety is our first priority
Accredited with ISO 45001:2018
for Occupational Health and
Safety (OH&S) measures
Risk assessments are an integral
part of our operation: a
proactive approach in incident
Kavach, our flagship safety
program, has delivered
improvement in safety metrics
and drives focus on industrial
safety for all employees
Lost time injury frequency rate
(LTIFR): 0.08
69,280 hours of EHSS training
Committed to environmental
Committed to Science-based
targets for greenhouse gases
90+% of total hazardous and
non-hazardous waste recycled
75% of energy procured from
green energy sources
3.8% YoY reduction in energy
2683 MT equivalent CO2 savings
from energy conservation
52834 MT equivalent CO2
savings from green power.
40% YoY freshwater savings
71389 KL fresh water saved from
recycling, reusing and rainwater
1021 KL water rainwater
Refer to the CSR link on our website to know about our corporate social responsibility pursuits on healthcare, education, environment, rural development
Refer to the ESG Report on our website to know more
All figures are as on March 31, 2023, unless otherwise specified
Putting Science to Work
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