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Pix Evolution and Implementation

SUMMARY PRESENTATION IDEALIZATION EVOLUTION NUMBERS FUTURE 2.7.1 Pix is new, but scams are old (#campanha contragolpes, #essefilmevocêjáviu and #evitegolpes) In the last week of April 2021, the BCB led a security campaign aimed at protecting users against the most common scams involving Pix and consolidating a culture of digital security among participants and users. The "Pix is new, but scams are old" campaign alerted citizens to the social engineering strategies used by scammers, disseminating content related to the main scams involving Pix, the security measures to be adopted to avoid frauds and how to proceed if you are a victim. All BCB profiles on social networks were used to publish daily posts, with the aim of expanding the reach of the campaign, which reached more than 10 million people according to estimates. Additionally, many participants and associations that make up the Pix Forum engaged in the initiative, following established guidelines for better coordination of actions. An event broadcasted live on the BCB's YouTube channel set the end of the campaign and included the participation of members from the team. of specialists responsible for managing and operating Pix as well as market representatives, who spoke about banking and payment accounts hacking and cloning of messaging apps, among other topics, and interacted live with citizens through the event chat on YouTube. 2.7.3 #BCteExplica (#theBCBExplains) #BCteExplica (the BCBexplains) is a series of short videos on the BCB's YouTube channel that addresses financial issues with a language a that is accessible to the population. Several #BCteExplica videos clarify issues involving Pix (only in Portuguese): BC te Explica: Pix Novo, Golpes Velhos! + OWO 回临 BC te Explica: Tudo sobre QR Code do Pix (Parte 1) 3:46 2.7.2 #Pixparanegócios (#Pixforbusiness) With the aim of promoting the use of Pix in the business environment, especially with retailers, the BCB carried out the #Pixparanegócios (Pixforbusiness) campaign on social networks in November 2021, in which companies of different sizes, sectors and regions gave their testimony on how fundamental Pix has become in their business models. Posts and videos were produced with statements from micro and small entrepreneurs, professionals and businessmen from retailers chains, e-commerce platforms and innovative businesses, among others, describing the benefits of Pix and the showing different ways to incorporate Pix into the portfolio of means of payment and billing, reinforcing the message that Pix is for any company, regardless of their size, sector or region of operation. [] BC te Explica: Tudo sobre QR Code Pix (Parte 2) BC te Explica: Quando é que tem Tarifa no Pix? 3:23 2:37 8 BC te Explica: Novas Medidas de Segurança Pix, TED e Pagamentos Eletrônicos BC te Explica: Precisa sacar dinheiro? Vêm aí Pix Saque e Pix Troco! BC te Explica BC te Explica: Fraude com o Pix? Recuperar dinheiro ficou mais fácil 2:49 PIX SAQUE E PIX TROCO TÊM NOVOS LIMITES! 2:28 4:17 pix 4:09 4:03 17
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