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Investor Presentaiton

IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Evidence and Standards for Better Food Security and Nutrition Decisions KEY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RESPONSE IPC analysis indicates a need for immediate emergency response actions to help save lives and livelihoods of people in Emergency (IPC Phase 4) and Crisis (IPC Phase 3). Improve access to food through appropriate modalities such as food or cash and voucher assistance to reduce the food consumption gaps and to protect asset depletion for the populations classified in Emergency (IPC Phase 4) and Crisis (IPC Phase 3). Timely provision of quality seeds for high-yielding crops and vegetables, and toolkits, especially to subsistence level farmers. In drought prone areas drought resilient crop varieties need to be introduced to ensure sufficient production Training on climate-smart crop and fodder production, including guidance on kitchen gardening. Scale up livestock protection and management interventions such as vaccination and deworming campaigns to prevent diseases, and access to fodder, multi-nutritional feed and pastures can help in preventing distress sale. Construction and rehabilitation of water infrastructure for agriculture and livestock for better conservation and management. Resilient water infrastructure can help in reducing the impact of recurring floods and droughts. Support livelihood diversification activities (including training on 'online business opportunities and management') for local communities to increase income-generation and employment opportunities Inclusion of women in economic growth activities (agriculture and non-agriculture) to improve their livelihoods. Capacity building of communities on processing and preservation of the seasonal produce to enable them to earn higher income from processed fruits and vegetables and meet food requirements in the lean seasons.
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