Investor Presentaiton
A protective legal framework
Budget balance golden rule (art. L1612-4 of the Code Général des Collectivités Territoriales - CGCT ; see appendix
slide 46):
■ The operating section must be voted in balance
■ The investment section must also be voted in balance
=> Borrowings are investment revenues that can only finance investment expenditures
■ The gross operating surplus and own investment earnings must at least cover debt amortization
Debt service (interest + capital) is a mandatory expense (art. L4321 du CGCT)
State controls on local authorities :
Legal control
■ Accounting operations control : separation between the authorizing payment officer - Region Ile-de-France - and
the accountant ensuring the payment – the National State administration.
Regional accounts houses controls (Chambres Régionales des Comptes)
National State insurance (no explicit guarantees):
■ State ensures payments of tax proceeds and grants (In accordance with conditions set in the Finance Law)
■ Obligation to provide financial compensation for local authorities in the case of transfer of competencies or creation
of new competencies (Art. 72-2 of the Constitution; see appendix slide 46)
Finance Department - Region Ile-de-France
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