Business Performance Update slide image

Business Performance Update

TAN fogether we can Total No. of Shares: 1101.10 Crores Share Holding and Capital Raised 1.19% 1.78% 12.27% (As on 31.12.2021) loის 2.88% 8.73% Tier Capital Raised Tier-1 (CET 1) Equity through QIP Tier-1 (AT -1) Basel III Compliant AT-1 Bonds Tier-II Non convertible fully paid up bonds Total Capital Raised 5 Govt. of India ■Fls/Banks/Insurance Mutual Funds Resident Individual FPIS 73.15% ■ Others Amt in Crore FY21 FY22 (till date) 3788 1800 495 3971 3994 1919 8277 7690 Share Holding & Capital Raised Page 35
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