Investor Presentaiton
Solid Credit Rating
Aaa/Aaa (stable)
Standard & Poor's
AA+/AA (stable)
AA+/AA (stable)
"New Zealand's credit profile reflects its very high
economic resilience, very strong institutions and political
effectiveness and a strong fiscal position compared to
peers." July 2017
"New Zealand has monetary and fiscal flexibility, a
resilient economy, and institutions conducive to swift
and decisive policy actions. The high level of external
liabilities is New Zealand's main credit weakness"
Jan 2018
"New Zealand's 'AA' rating reflects the country's strong
macroeconomic policy framework and prudent fiscal
management, reinforced by governance standards and
a business environment that are rated among the best
globally by the World Bank." Mar 2017
Source: Moody's Investor Service, Standard & Poor's, Fitch Ratings
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