Canadian and International Banking Performance Overview slide image

Canadian and International Banking Performance Overview

Significant Decline in Specific Provisions Year-over-Year ($ millions) Q4/09 Q1/10 Q2/10 Q3/10 Q4/10 Canadian Retail 159 140 149 145 140 Canadian Commercial 33 41 40 24 34 192 181 189 169 174 International Retail 122 130 125 118 129 International Commercial 45 47 48 20 20 (1) 167 177 173 138 128 Scotia Capital Total PCL ratio (bps) 65 14 (5) (7) (8) 424 372 357 300 294 63 63 55 55 55 55 43 43 41 Scotiabank Continued Downward Trend in Net Impaired Loan Formations 17 ($ millions) Q4/09 Q1/10 Q2/10 Q3/10 Q4/10 Canadian Retail 205 184 154 147 135 Canadian Commercial 24 42 15 47 71 229 226 169 194 206 International Retail 254 259 184 211 149 International Commercial 5 135 15 (12) (36) 259 394 199 199 113 Scotia Capital 139 (109) (68) (10) 13 Total 627 511 300 383 332 Scotiabank 18
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