Sequans Capitalization and 5G Taurus Launch slide image

Sequans Capitalization and 5G Taurus Launch

Sequans - Leader in Cellular loT We provide cellular 5G/4G solutions for Internet of Things (IoT) devices in both categories • Massive loT - low throughput, low power, • low cost Broadband & Critical loT - high throughput, low latency Sequans' goal is to deliver the best performance at competitive pricing for the 5G/4G Cellular loT market, projected to exceed $3 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 38% Complete Range of Chips and Modules Fully Optimized for loT Applications Smart Homes Enterprise Router 09:35 Health & Wellness Smart Cities Massive lot Smart Mobility & Logistics CHIPS 5G/4G MODULES Broadband Critical lot Vertical Applications DODO Gateway Indoor/Outdoor CPE Source: ABI Research, Techno Systems Research and Sequans' estimates SEQUANS O2023 Sequans Communications 3
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