Investor Presentaiton
Maximising the impact of museums on local
MAMBO - Museum
of Modern Art of
Supporting local
Fostering urban
regeneration and
Catalyzing culturally
aware and creative
Promoting social
inclusion, health,
and wellbeing
Sets of activities
Workshops and outreach initiatives with research institutions, universities, and
companies to foster new business ideas and employability skills
Partnerships with local cultural institutions, companies, and cultural associations
(e.g., sponsorship and funding programs, exhibitions within the Art City Bolognal
project, cultural events)
Preservation and promotion of Giorgio Morandi's artworks through the Morandi
Museum and commemoration of the Ustica events through the Museum for the
Memory of Ustica
Preservation and promotion of MAMbo's permanent modern and contemporary art
Guest-curated exhibitions, festivals, and public debates for the local community
and tourists
Workshops, laboratories and courses for local middle and high school students
(e.g., through personalized teaching "kits" for schools)
Workshops and internships for university students
Definition of a hub for artistic production, artistic residency, curatorship, and
acceleration programs for young artists (i.e., Nuovo Forno del Pane project)
Workshops for children attending kindergartens and their families
Professionalizing activities for younger people, and life-learning activities for
ageing populations
Definition of 'remote' cultural fruition initiatives to ease social distancing pitfalls in
terms of social inclusion and well-being (e.g., 'remote' exhibitions)View entire presentation