HSBC Amanah SDG Bond Framework slide image

HSBC Amanah SDG Bond Framework

Overview of HSBC Amanah Key Credit Highlights Financial Highlights HSBC Group Sustainability HSBC SDG 8 Bond Framework Key Credit Highlights STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE to HSBC Malaysia and HSBC Group1 -Given HSBC Amanah's strategic role as HSBC Malaysia's Islamic banking arm and one of the HSBC Group's two global Amanah hubs CLOSE INTEGRATION with parent company, HSBC Malaysia1 -Operationally integrated with HSBC Malaysia, sharing back-room operations, risk management capabilities and distribution channels, also benefitting from the HSBC Group's solid global franchise, international network and product expertise STRONG CAPITALISATION1 -HSBC Amanah's common equity tier-1 (CET-1) capital and total capital ratios remained strong at a respective 12.1% and 17.8% as at 31 December 2017 HIGHEST ISSUE RATING by RAMĀ¹ - HSBC Amanah has a Financial Institution Rating of AAA, the highest on RAM's national scale 1. Source: HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad Credit Rating Rationale by RAM Rating Services Berhad (June 2018)
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