Annual Integrated Report
ESG Finance
Annual Integrated Report
Table of Contents
Introduction Value Creation | Economic Performance | Environmental Social Governance Appendices
3-3 Management of mate-
rial topics
As a financial institution, we face the risk of having our assessment of a
product or service we offer, or an investment we have made, being socially
or environmentally responsible, contested by customers, regulators, or
third parties. The mounting interest from investors and regulators in ESG
factors and the greater demand and scrutiny of ESG-related disclosures
by financial institutions have also increased our risk of being perceived
as, or accused of, making inaccurate or misleading statements about
the investment strategies of our self-managed investment funds, or our
ESG endeavors or initiatives, commonly known as greenwashing. Such
perceptions or accusations have the potential to harm our reputation,
trigger legal or regulatory actions, and adversely affect our business.
Hence, the importance of a robust governance framework, as shown in the
Sustainable Finance chapter (pages 33-35). For further details on negative
impacts, please refer to Form 20-F (page 201).
(items a and b)
201-1 Direct economic
value generated and dis-
Retained economic value: direct economic value generated minus distribu-
ted economic value R$ 12,749,545,000
201-2 Financial impli-
cations and other risks
and opportunities due to
climate change
203-2 Significant indirect
economic impacts
Our PRSAC outlines the social, environmental, and climate principles and
guidelines that govern our business practices and relationships with stake-
holders. The Policy aims to prevent negative impacts and expand positive
impacts arising from our financial operations and activities. The document
can be accessed at
arq-prsac-traduzida0823/23-08-10 165935 prsac ingles.pdf.
Where to find the
Reasons for
Pages 9, 22, 23 and 30
Pages 24 to 27
Pages 30 to 32 and 82
Pages 30,31, 38, 39, 46 to 55
Confidential information. Our
engagement with both internal
and external stakeholders,
through assessments and
interaction with customers and
business partners, generates
valuable feedback to enhance
our processes and policies.
Information not applicable. The
breakdown of economic value
generated and distributed by
region or market is not deemed
significant for disclosure purpo-
ses. (item b)
Information unavailable. The
financial implications of both
risk and opportunity, as well
as the costs of any measures
taken, are currently being
assessed. (items a.iii and v)
Information not applicable. As
we deem social, cultural, and
environmental investments
to have significant indirect
economic impacts, we have not
identified any significant nega-
tive indirect economic impacts.
(item a)
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