Dominican Republic ER-Program Due Diligence
ER-Program Fit into WB's Support Strategy
Country Partnership Framework
CPF's (FY20-24) Focus Area 3: Promoting Environmental Sustainability and Resilience
Objective 6: Improve natural resource management
States that: Inadequate natural resource management has led to environmental degradation and increased
vulnerability to climate change and can eventually negatively impact growth. The ER-Program is based on
protected areas conservation and shade-grown cocoa and coffee and silvopastoral systems with
nationwide coverage
Calls to promote a: sustainable environment and a sustainable management of natural resources. In forest
management, through "REDD+ interventions, will assist the government in the implementation of key
readiness activities to develop a national REDD+ strategy in addition to reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
emissions from deforestation and forest degradation"View entire presentation