2022 Humanitarian Response Plan for Gaza and West Bank slide image

2022 Humanitarian Response Plan for Gaza and West Bank

violations of international law to human rights organizations but there is no current information about any meaningful accountability steps taken by the Israeli authorities for possible violations of IHL during the May 2021 escalation. A welcome development has been increased work permit quotas for Gaza's laborers and the entry of some items previously classified as a "dual use" into Gaza, including fishing spare parts, and some medical equipment, including CT and X-ray, pending the preservation of calm in Gaza.40 However, a chronic humanitarian crisis continues in Gaza and compounding this, since April 2022 Israel continues to curtail access to the West Bank and condition it to continued calm in Gaza. Risk 1.2: Partner responses and capacities Monitoring, documentation and advocacy by legal services in the Gaza focuses on international humanitarian law and human rights law violations and conflict-related violence. Advocacy oriented towards accountability and respect of IHL and IHRL remains central to the Protection Cluster response. Partners are responding to the increasing demand for legal aid as the frequency of suspected violations related to arrests and detentions, excessive use of force and access restrictions increases. Legal support and consultation is provided to Palestinian children, youth, families/caregivers and human rights defenders detained, targeting those affected by, or at risk of, violations of their right to life, liberty and physical integrity; arrest and ill-treatment. Priority groups and issues include children; people affected by access restrictions in general; survivors of Gender-based Violence (GBV). Risk 1.3: Humanitarian needs and gaps Increased documentation, reporting and advocacy Widespread legal support services including legal advice, awareness, representations and litigation More thematic legal awareness sessions, tailored legal counselling sessions and paralegal services, individual legal representation and class-action litigation for Palestinians affected by Israel's separation policy Protection Risk 2: Internal displacement Gaza suffers a chronic shortage of adequate housing and consequently thousands of people live in substandard, damaged and makeshift shelters. A combination of population growth, constraints on housing development and conflict all contribute to chronic shortages of housing and increasing levels of displacement. Key Protection Figures Overall housing shortage in Gaza: 120,000 units Housing units needed for yearly population growth: 14,000 Palestinians internally displaced: 7,250 Palestinians Palestinians living in critical shelter conditions: 54,00041 42 Palestinians at risk of eviction: 5,000 households 40 Facebook 41 Multi-sectoral Needs Assessment (MSNA) 2021 42 https://sheltercluster.org/palestine/documents/one-year-after-conflict-may2021-shelter- cluster-dashboard 11
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