Investor Presentaiton
Liquidity Summary
($ Billions)
Cash and Cash Equivalents¹
High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA)²
Total Cash and HQLA
Revolving Credit Facility (RCF)³
Total Contingent Facilities4
Total Available Liquidity5
⚫ PL has adequate liquidity with Cash and HQLA of $2.2B
• We have no material pre-funding needs in the next decade
• Additionally, we have $1.0B in an undrawn revolving credit
facility provided collectively by 21 top tier global and US
•PL also has $1.7B in unencumbered contingent liquidity
facilities, with the majority being capable of providing same
day funding
• Total available liquidity of $4.9B represents a subset of our
total available liquidity at the consolidated group level
1 Excludes bilateral cash collateral pledged or received, including associated deposits and restricted funds
2 HQLA includes U.S. Treasury securities, obligations of other U.S. government authorities and agencies, and publicly traded US Investment Grade bonds that are either close to maturity (duration < 3 months) or on the run securities (issued in the last 31 days)
3 PLC and PLIC co-borrowed RCF matures in June 2026
4 Contingent facilities include estimated borrowing capacity against Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) eligible collateral ring-fenced for PLIC liquidity, commercial paper program and securities lending cash release capacity
Represents management's internal measure of liquidity. Includes liquidity sources within PLC and readily available to PLIC
PLGFII - Investor Presentation (Q3 2022)
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