Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano slide image

Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano

New reality | Competitive Position Competitive ISPs consolidation Fixed Broadband (04/20) (Fibra Coaxial + Metal cable) + By 2019, regional Internet providers (or ISPs) have already surpassed large telcos KPMG Fixed Broadband - Optical fiber (04/20) A major highlight in the market in recent years, optical fiber Internet accesses (FTTH) have grown strongly by ISPs and other competitive operators CLARO VIVO ΟΙ ALGAR (CTBC TE... 1,9% TIM 1.8% Brisanet Servicos.. 1.3% Outros 15.2% 20.6% 29,4% 29,7% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% VIVO 24,6% OI 11.9% Brisanet Servicos.. 3.7K CLARO 2,9% TIM 1,9% VM OPENLINK C... 1,9% PREFEITURA DE... 1.5% UNIFIQUE TELEC... 1.5% ALGAR (CTBCTE. 1,4% Outroa 48.7% 0,0% 20,0% 40.0% 60.0 Market Trends • Oi's repositioning will be on the radar of major world players • Private equity funds - Warburg Pincus, which has a global portfolio of more than $60 billion and joined this year in the capital of AmericaNet - - Vinci Partners, a Brazilian manager with over R$20 billion, formed the operator Vero B Capital, which is booming through its operator, Sumicity The Acon group, which acquired six operators, is still in negotiations with other regional operators • Consolidators - - Mob Telecom recently launched debentures, in a demonstration that it has a strong appetite for expansion. The leader, Brisanet, decided to adopt an even more aggressive stance: he left the hinterlands of the Northeast to start competing with the big telecoms in the big cities Turrets - American Tower, which bought Cemig Telecom, and Fênix show signs of further expansion © 2021 KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda., a Brazilian limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. BD210890 Página 52
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