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Investor Presentaiton

DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION GRI 103-2⚫103-3: 405, 406 We believe that embracing differences is key to ensuring a healthy and safe work environment for Csixers. Each professional who works with us has their characteristics, their history, and their identity, which we respect and value. And each has their own unique way of creating value. It is the sum of these differences that makes our personality and enriches our activities, products, and services. More than sharing a diverse and welcoming environment for everyone, we want to help promote the debate on diversity in the corporate environment and build a business strategy to also offer accessible and inclusive services. In 2021, we made progress on the topic of diversity and on promoting equity and inclusion actions with the launch of our Internal Diversity and Inclusion Policy. The document addresses principles and guidelines regarding the appreciation of diversity, in line with our organizational culture. Annually, the bank's CEO and founding partners participate in a meeting dedicated to the topic of diversity and inclusion, in which we present the year's results and obtain approval for the following year's strategy. After this meeting, the topic is followed up by the People and Management Subcommittee. INITIATIVES Learn about our main actions aimed at diversity and inclusion in the work environment. Diversity and inclusion booklet: prepared with the participation of people from different identity groups, in addition to experts, the booklet offers access to information, guidelines, and reflections on diversity and inclusion for internal and external audiences. The content brings concepts, prejudices experienced by each minority group, terms we should avoid, and tips on how we can participate in building more respectful and inclusive environments. ● Group of allies: formed by volunteer employees from different areas willing to contribute to diversity and inclusion actions, the group's mission is to strengthen these fronts in their areas and with other teams. Workshops: we held several workshops for CSixers around the topic of diversity and inclusion, such as "Unconscious Biases" and "Empathic Communication", to talk about how to be empathetic in a context of social inequalities. In addition, various contents on the subject are permanently GENDER EQUITY One of the pillars of action in C6 Bank's Diversity and Inclusion area is gender equity. The People and Management team periodically monitors the indicators. Our Talent team also focuses on the topic, seeking to bring female candidates into leadership positions. In 2021, we had several initiatives aimed at promoting gender equity at C6 Bank: • Focus group with mothers: to identify opportunities for improvement in management policies and processes by listening to the mothers' needs. 53
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