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Investor Presentaiton

29 Cargill 2020 Annual Report Special care with the tomato chain The tomato productive chain at Cargill starts at an exper- imental farm and ends on the supermarket shelf, with the Elefante and Pomarola tomato sauce brands, of the compa- ny's consumer line. Intended for self production, the tomato chain can be totally monitored starting from the field. At an exclusive experimental farm, our agricultural researchers test more than 100 tomato varieties and follow their development until they reach ideal quality. These parent plants are sent to the land of 50 producers who participate in the Cargill chain, cen- tralized in the tomato factory surroundings in Goiânia/GO. The properties dedicated to this production are certified as defor- estation and conversion free (DCF). Among other factors, researchers seek to identify the pre- cise water need that makes the tomatoes reach maturity and how to protect them without the use of agrochemicals. Obtaining the best in natura flavor of the fruit contributes to the target of decreasing the amount of sodium and sug- ars in tomato-based products without changing the flavor and quality. Meteorological stations installed in the rural area supply the data to control crop irrigation; efficient irrigation manage- ment has proven to be key for plantation success. Biological plague control techniques studied at the experimental farm reduce the use of agrochemicals, allowing nature to provide the necessary care. To be aware of the tomato development cycle and know in how many days it can be harvested allows to establish chemical waiting periods so that no residue is present, one of the most frequent concerns among consumers. All this information is transmitted by the Cargill team to producers, in a joint effort to achieve the ideal tomato. Certification of the palm oil chain The most widely used edible oil in the world, the production of palm oil (or dendê) provides income to three million smallhold- ers around the world. This oil is consumed in over 130 coun- tries, as food as well as in applications ranging from cosmetics to biofuels. The palm oil processed and commercialized by Cargill is part of our commitments towards zero deforestation. Our global goal is sustainable production along the entire chain, which foresees biodiversity conservation, reduction of green- house gases, improvement in subsistence means and food safety. Cargill Brasil adhered in 2016 to the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) as the main global sustainability norm for this raw material and we support its efforts to differ- entiate the by-products produced according to the best prac- tices, recognized by the RSPO certificate. Cargill The palm oil originated in Brazil follows a procurement pol- icy which allows 100% traceability and, with this, we know each farm that supplies it to our factories. We work with the Earthworm NGO in a process of supplier engagement to ensure fulfillment of the Cargill Sustainable Palm Policy, thereby fulfilling our social and environmental commitments for the oil extraction plants and development of a program for smallholders With the perspective of improved income, product diversification and natural resource conservation, this initiative connects around 600 smallholders from Pará to our chain. Our 2020-2021 Action Plan intends to close the remaining gaps in the chain and reach conformity by means of reporting mechanisms and visits to monitor progress. Learn about our palm oil policy here
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