Bank of Cyprus Credit Ratings and Financial Position slide image

Bank of Cyprus Credit Ratings and Financial Position

Glossary & Definitions AC Amortised cost bonds. Adjusted recurring profitability Advisory and other restructuring costs Allowance for expected loan credit losses (previously 'Accumulated provisions') AIEA AT1 Average contractual interest rates Book Value Basic earnings/(losses) after tax per share (attributable to the owners of the Company) Carbon neutral CET1 capital ratio (transitional basis) CET1 Fully loaded (FL) Cost of Funding Cost to Income ratio Cost of Risk CRR DD DFAs The Group's profit after tax before non-recurring items (attributable to the owners of the Company) taking into account distributions under other equity instruments such as the annual AT1 coupon. Comprise mainly (a) fees of external advisors in relation to: (i) disposal of operations and non-core assets, and (ii) customer loan restructuring activities, and (b) the cost of the tender offer for the Old T2 Capital Notes, where applicable. Allowance for expected loan credit losses (previously 'Accumulated provisions') Comprises (i) allowance for expected credit losses (ECL) on loans and advances to customers (including allowance for expected credit losses on loans and advances to customers held for sale where applicable), (ii) the residual fair value adjustment on initial recognition of loans and advances to customers (including residual fair value adjustment on initial recognition on loans and advances to customers classified as held for sale where applicable), (iii) allowance for expected credit losses for off-balance sheet exposures (financial guarantees and commitments) disclosed on the balance sheet within other liabilities, and (iv) the aggregate fair value adjustment on loans and advances to customers classified and measured at FVPL. This relates to the average of 'interest earning assets' as at the beginning and end of the relevant quarter. Average interest earning assets exclude interest earning assets of any discontinued operations at each quarter end, if applicable. Interest earning assets include: cash and balances with central banks (including cash and balances with central banks classified as non-current assets held for sale), plus loans and advances to banks, plus net loans and advances to customers (including loans and advances to customers classified as non-current assets held for sale), plus 'deferred consideration receivable' included within 'other assets', plus investments (excluding equities and mutual funds). AT1 (Additional Tier 1) is defined in accordance with the Capital Requirements Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, as amended by CRR II applicable as at the reporting date. Interest rates on cost of deposits were previously calculated as the Interest Expense over Average Balance. The current calculation which the Bank considers more appropriate is based on the weighted average of the contractual rate times the balance at the end of the month. The rates are calculated based on the month end contractual interest rates. The quarterly rates are the average of the three quarter month end contractual rates. BV= book value = Carrying value prior to the sale of property. Basic earnings/(losses) after tax per share (attributable to the owners of the Company) is the Profit/(loss) after tax (attributable to the owners of the Company) divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period, excluding treasury shares. The reduction and balancing (through a combination of offsetting investments or emission credits) of greenhouse gas emissions from own operations. CET1 capital ratio (transitional basis) is defined in accordance with the Capital Requirements Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, as amended by CRR II applicable as at the reporting date. The CET1 fully loaded (FL) ratio is defined in accordance with the Capital Requirements Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, as amended by CRR II applicable as at the reporting date. Effective yield of cost of funding: Interest expense of all interest bearing liabilities after hedging, over average interest bearing liabilities (customer deposits, funding from the central bank, interbank funding, subordinated liabilities). Historical information has been adjusted to take into account hedging. Cost-to-income ratio comprises total expenses (as defined) divided by total income (as defined). Loan credit losses charge (cost of risk) (year-to-date) is calculated as the annualised 'loan credit losses' (as defined) divided by average gross loans. The average gross loans are calculated as the average of the opening balance and the closing balance, for the reporting period/year. Default Definition. Debt for Asset Swaps. 67
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