Cenovus's Diversified & Resilient Business Model slide image

Cenovus's Diversified & Resilient Business Model

STRATEGIC VALUE OF U.S. REFINING IN PADD II Structural crude advantage enables strong PADD II refining margins Percent 200% 180% Upper PADD II margin capture¹ 160% 140% 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Upper Padd II Rest of US • • Strategic value Competitive advantage driven by access to inland. crude and exposure to U.S. domestic product market. Offsets the locational and transport discounts on our heavy oil. PADD II focused refining position supported by historical strength in this market. Opportunity to improve operational reliability to realize the full value of our assets. Note: See Advisory. 1) HSB Soloman Associates, LLC. Upper PADD II represents Refinery Supply Corridor II (RSC II), not including Kansas, Oklahoma and Tennessee. cenovus ENERGY 20 20
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