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Investor Presentaiton

ENGIE PERUVIAN ELECTRICITY MARKET (1/2) Composed by three different sectors Generation 12,703 MW* Total Effective Capacity Transmission 21,298km* Basic transmission AA Investor Presentation Distribution 7.9 million clients* 百 DO ÷÷÷÷÷ 88% Private Free market - market prices Pool centralized dispatch Spot Price: Zonal, cost-based, calculated every 15 minutes based on the marginal cost to supply demand Volatility on spot price is mainly driven by hydro conditions, gas transport availability, main plants availability and high voltage transmission restrictions If a Generation company goes into unbalance it must go to the Spot market Two type of clients: Free clients: Mainly mining and industry. Consumption >= 0.2 MW. Bilateral contract Regulated Distribution companies. Public auctions *As of end of December 2020 100% Private Exclusive concession Regulated tariff Open Access Tolls are pass-through costs and are paid by the demand Main players: ISA (54%), Abengoa (10%) & Others (36%) " " 34% Private owned Exclusive concession 100% of the demand must be provided with electricity Regulated market 100% Distribution grid costs are paid by the demand Two type of clients: Free clients: Industries with consumption below 2.5 MW. Households and industries with demand below 0.2MW Main players: Government (66%), Enel disco (18%) & Luz de Sur (15%) *Considered only transmission lines higher than 138Kv. As of end of December 2020 *As of end of December 2020 ENGIE Energía Perú 35
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