ICO Green and Social Bonds
Instituto de Crédito Oficial
Covid-19 special measures (III)
Guarantee Programme for Mid-Caps
Guarantees of up to 70% for short-term financing issued in
Final figures:
These guarantees have been
materialized through 100
transactions that represent a
total issued volume of €1,156
Support and flexibility measures for loans with
public guarantee
extend the maturity term of loans with public guarantee
for an additional period
convert the loans with public guarantee into participating
direct transfers to reduce the principal of the debt with
public guarantee, with the limit of the funds established
for each organization that has granted guaranteed loans:
€2,750 Million for guarantees managed by ICO
€400 Million Tourism Sector specific second-
floor facility
Includes a guarantee line provided by the Ministry of
Industry, Trade and Tourism of up to 50% of the principal of
the loan.
Interested companies applied through the collaborating
financial entities for loans up to €500,000, with a
maximum fixed interest rate of 1.5% and a term between 1
and 4 years, plus a grace period of 1 year.
Covid-19 Direct Loans
ICO has provided direct funding with medium to long term
maturities for several companies, to smooth the impact of
Covid-19 on their activity, including syndicated loans
benefiting from up to a 70% government guarantee.
The application period for COVID-19 guarantee lines ended last 30th June
Guarantees are managed by ICO on behalf of the Government.
No credit impact on ICO financial accounts stemming from the guarantees.
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