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Investor Presentaiton

62 YEARBOOK OF THE OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY IN ESPÍRITO SANTO 2022 Figure 3 - Areas with marginal accumulations under study for Permanent Offer Minas Gerais Espírito Santo Bahia Rio Itaúnas Leste Mariricu Oeste São Mateus Oeste Nativo Oeste Barra do Ipiranga Jacupenba Marginal fields under study Exploratory blocks in study Exploratory blocks Fields in production · Transport Pipeline ― Drainage Pipeline Source: ANP. Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes 0 25 50 km CAPÍTULO 4 OPORTUNIDADES PARA O ESPÍRITO SANTO Chart 29 - Facility Decommissioning Program (PDI) by basin (in units) Amazonas 1 Mucuri Parnaíba Outras 1 1 2 Tucano Sul 2 Solimões 2 Camamu 2 Potiguar 20 Sergipe Alagoas 5 4 Santos 8 Recôncavo 12 Espírito Santo 17 Source: ANP. Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes Campos 22 99 proposals for Facility Decommissioning Program (PDI) at ANP by 2022 PDI's 78 approved by ANP PDI's on 11 standstill (or stopped) PDI's received 4.4. Facility Decommissioning The decommissioning of facilities is the safe destination of oil and natural gas exploration and pro- duction structures after the end of their production phase. Among the activities are: the removal of facili- ties; the razing of wells; the proper disposal of materials, waste and tailings; and the environmental recovery of the area. The ANP ap- proves the definitive interruption of the facilities after all possibilities of exploration and production of the area have been exhausted. By 2022, ANP had 99 proposals for a Facility Decommissioning Pro- gram (PDI) in Brazil (chart 29), be- ing: 78 PDI's approved by the Agen- cy, 11 PDI's classified as suspended (or stopped), 6 PDI's classified as received and 4 PDI's classified as closed. In total, thirteen basins had PDI's approved by the ANP. Among them, 22 planes were located in the Campos Basin, 17 in the Espírito Santo Basin, 20 in the Potiguar Ba- sin, 12 in the Recôncavo Potiguar Basin and 28 nine other basins. For the state of Espírito Santo, 18 PDIs were approved, 17 referring to the Espírito Santo basin (all onshore) and 1 referring to the Campos basin in confrontation with the state, the FPSO Capixaba (table 9). Petrobras and SBM initiated the pro- cedures for the decommissioning of the unit, located in Parque das Baleias. With Petrobras' exit from the platform, the company intends. Petrobras intends to relocate the pro- duction of seven of the park's nine wells to the P-58 platform. With the complete decommissioning of FPSO Capixaba, Parque das Baleias will op- erate with 3 production units (P-58, P-57 and FPSO Cidade de Anchie- ta). The company's plan is to start operating the Maria Quitéria FPSO in 2024, a project that includes the company's intentions in the develop- ment of the New Jubarte Field. In 2022, the ANP approved the Fa- cilities Decommissioning Report (RDI) of the Cação field, located in the Espírito Santo Basin. After all infrastructure deactivation activi- ties are carried out, the oil company submits the report to the ANP, still dependent on approval. In 2022, the agency approved 6 RDI's, including: Cação, Catuá, Tatui, Gavião Real, Xe- relete, Xerelete Sul and FPSO Polvo. 4 PDI's closed 63 63
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