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Investor Presentaiton

Alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals Eligible categories Framework Affordable housing Education Healthcare Affordable housing includes objectives to reduce the percentage of the population living in poverty, and refers to the need to implement social protection systems and measures for all, achieving a substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable. Education aims for (i) equal access to affordable and quality education, including university; (ii) sustainable increase in the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship; and (iii) build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all. Healthcare strives to achieve universal health coverage, including access to quality essential healthcare services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all. FIN DE LA POBREZA SDG EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD SALUD YBIENESTAR 11 CIUDADES Y COMUNIDADES SOSTENIBLES Social Inclusion Social inclusion strives to ensure access to adequate, safe and affordable housing, and basic services to all. It also aims to provide access to sustainable transport systems to all, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations such as children, persons with disabilities and older persons. In particular, gender equality strives to eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls, and recognizing the importance of equality. FIN DE LA POBREZA 11 CIUDADES Y IGUALDAD DE GENERO COMUNIDADES SOSTENIBLES Economic Inclusion and SME Financing Climate Change and Environmental Management Economic inclusion strives to support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of SMEs, including through access to financial services. EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD TRABAJO DECENTE 8 Y CRECIMIENTO ECONOMICO Climate change and environment management that aims to integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies, and planning 11 CIUDADES Y COMUNIDADES SOSTENIBLES 13 ACCIÓN POR EL CLIMA Source: Comunidad de Madrid 29 29
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