Sustainable Bond Framework
ROC's Eligible Project Categories: Indicative Asset Pool
Indicative split: Green/Social Bond Principles Categories
Indicative Refinancing (20-22) vs New Financing (23-25)
Socioeconomic Advancement and
Empowerment - 83.5%
Sustainable Water and Wastewater
Management - 8.3%
Environmentally Sustainable
Management of Living Natural Resources
and Land Use - 2.7%
Energy Efficiency - 2.9%
Clean Transportation -1.1%
■Refinancing - 47.2%
■New Financing - 52.8%
Total indicative assets identified: €1.06bn
ROC has a strong focus on green transition, and the bulk of EU
funds under the RRF are earmarked for energy efficiency and
renewable energy related projects to support this ambition.
As a result of ROC ensuring the prevention of double-counting
projects that benefit from EU co-financing, the allocation
under this Framework has a social skew. This is also consistent
with ROC's commitment to social protection, welfare and
Cyprus retains a commitment to both social and
environmental projects.
Indicative Split: Green vs Social projects (EURM)
Social 83.4%
Green 16.6%
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