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Meezan Bank Financial Performance

103% Growth in PAT- Driven by Volumetric Growth and Higher Benchmark Rates (Unconsolidated) Profit & Loss Account September 2023 September 2022 Rs in mn PAN Meezan Bank The Premier Islamic Bank Growth % Average Policy Rate 20.25% 12.47% 62% Return on financings, investments and placements 303,817 153,879 97% Return on deposits and other dues expensed (149,171) (76,730) 94% Net spread earned 154,646 77,149 100% Fee and commission and other income 13,366 10,550 27% Foreign exchange income 2,116 3,867 (45%) Dividend income and capital (loss) / gain (314) 629 (150%) Total other income 15,168 15,046 1% Operating income 169,814 92,195 84% Operating expenses and other charges (50,833) (34,077) 49% Profit before provisions 118,981 58,118 105% Total provisions (GP: Rs. 3.5 bn) (4,416) (1,735) 155% Profit before tax 114,565 56,383 103% Taxation (56,528) (27,787) 103% Profit after tax US $202 mn / $99 mn 58,037 28,596 103% Basic Earnings per share - Rs 32.42 15.98 103% September 30, 2023: US $1 = Rs 287.74 12
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