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Investor Presentaiton

The Electricity Tariff Updates 2022 ☐ חברת החשמל Israel Electric On February 1st, 2022, the household electricity tariff increased by 5.7%, following the EA decision, mainly due to the increase in the global coal prices. The above was partially offset by: Decrease in the USD/NIS exchange rate and in the global NG prices The sale of Ramat Hovav Power Station (half of which was recognized in 2021 Tariff) and the publication of the results of the tender for the sale of East Hagit Power Station On May 1st, 2022, an amendment was made to the annual update of the electricity tariff for 2022, in which the household tariff decreased by 2.4% due to the reduction of the excise tax on coal. On August 1st, 2022 the household electricity tariff increased by 8.6% mainly due to an ongoing and sharp increase in the global coal prices and other metrics, which at the beginning of July 2022, reached an increase of appx. 20% in relation to the previous recognized cost. 2023 On January 1st, 2023 the household electricity tariff increased by 8.2% mainly due to an ongoing and sharp increase in the global coal prices (about 150% in the last 1.5 years). Additionally, to the prohibition of the Ministry of Environmental Protection to operate old NG units at Eshkol site, which forced to increase The electricity production in coal, delaying the construction of the new 2 CCGT in Hadera, as well as delaying conversion of coal units to NG in Hadera and Ashkelon and the increases at the interest rates and Israeli consumer price index. On February 1st, 2023, an amendment was made to the annual update of the electricity tariff for 2023, in which the household tariff decreased by 1.5% due the extension of reduction of the excise tax on coal. On April 1st, 2023, additional amendment was made to the annual update of the electricity tariff for 2023, in which the household tariff decreased by 2.4% following the reduction in coal prices and their stabilization since the beginning of the year. Source: IEC's Financial Statements for 2022FY and for Q1.2023, Electricity Authority's decisions no. 62302 as of 01/24/22, no. 63006 as of 04/12/22, no. 63308 as of 07/27/22, no. 64504 as of 12/21/22 and no. 64801 as of 01/26/23- electricity tariff to IEC's consumers Investor Relations 25
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