China Mobile Performance Highlights H1 2022
Attach Utmost Importance to Shareholder Returns;
Share the Fruits of Digital-Intelligent Transformation
Dividend per share
2022 Dividend Policy
To create higher returns for our shareholders and share
the results of our operating gains, after giving full
consideration to the Company's profitability, cash flow
condition and future development needs, the
Company has decided to pay HK$2.20¹ per share for
the 2022 interim dividend, representing an increase of
34.9% year-on-year. 2022 full-year dividend payout
ratio will further increase from that of the previous
year. The profit to be distributed in cash for 2023 will
gradually increase to 70% or above of the profit
attributable to equity shareholders of the Company²
for that year.
Dividends for A-shares will be paid in Renminbi in the amount of RMB1.8942 per share, applying an exchange rate of HK$1 to RMB0.861004, which is equal to the average
central parity rate between Hong Kong dollars and Renminbi announced by the People's Bank of China in the week before the Board declared the interim dividend
The base of the Company's profit distribution is the profit attributable to equity shareholders under International Financial Reporting Standards
China Mobile
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