ESG: Our 'Beyond Compliance' Approach slide image

ESG: Our 'Beyond Compliance' Approach

FURTHER REDUCING GROUP AISC TARGETING AISC BELOW US$1,200/oz IN FY2022* Lower cost operations AISC per kg (ZAR/kg) AISC per oz (US$/oz) Higher cost operations AISC per kg (ZAR/kg) AISC per oz (US$/oz) *Assuming an exchange rate of US$/ZAR:15:50 FURTHER REDUCING GROUP AISC Barberton Mines' Fairview Evander Mines Underground BTRP Elikhulu operations Total lower cost % Group production 617,748 475,196 393,691 452,872 499,910 80% 1,278 983 814 937 1,034 Barberton Sheba and Consort Mines Total sources Evander surface higher cost operations % Group production 918,443 640,398 842,250 20% 1,899 1,324 1,742 Action plans in place to reduce AISC 15
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