Investor Presentaiton
Following process will be helpful for development and operation of the
international railway network.
1. Ease of availability of all sorts of logistics for whole of the rail network.
2. Passengers and freight of the member countries should be allowed to travel
without any hindrance throughout the member countries.
3. Ease of Customs & Immigrations for the passengers and freight throughout
the whole network.
4. Technology Transfer and common training for technical person for whole
of the network of the member countries.
5. Introduction of common apps or card for buying & selling train tickets.
6. Ensuring safety of the passengers and freight of the whole network.
7. There should be an agreement among the signatories to eliminate the
restrictions of movement of trains in the territory of member countries.
8. New bilateral or multilateral corridors should be explored for mutual
benefit of the member countries, for win-win situation.
9. Member countries and Development Partners should come forward to
finance for the projects for mutual benefit.
ADB and UIC may play very significant role in achieving the above.
I believe Railway Innovation Forum- 2019 will be a milestone event to establish
a effective railway transportation system among the nations of this part of the
On behave of BANGLADESH RAILWAY, here would like to thank ADB and
UIC for organizing this Innovation Forum.
Thank You All.
-Md. Jahangir Hossain, Chief Planning Officer, Bangladesh Railway.
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