Investor Presentaiton
Leader in impact finance
Rated 74/100 by Moody's ESG
Solutions (1st banking group worldwide and 8th
company worldwide out of 4,770 companies rated)
AAA score from MSCI
(among the 6% of banks rated AAA
A score from CDP1 for the 2nd year running
for its climate commitment
One of the few European banks to have obtained this score
Low-carbon pathways approved by SBTI since 2021:
85% of CIB loan book² aligned with a low-carbon target consistent with the Paris Agreement
Residential real estate | Commercial real estate | Corporate bonds | MLT corporate loans
Exit from the fossil fuel sector by 2030
La Banque Postale only finances companies that have a science-based transition plan
Net-Zero Banking Alliance: founding member re-elected for a 2nd term as the representative of European banks in the Steering Group
Net zero emissions target for the entire banking business by 20403
Low-carbon pathways in carbon-intensive sectors (Scope 3)
Effective 1.5°C alignment pathways
• Coal
→ 0 net exposure since 2018
Electricity production
→100% renewable energy
At the level of La Banque Postale SA
'Details on non-financial ratings are provided in the appendices
2 Eligible for SBTI methodology, end-2020 data
3 Subject to the progress made by governments and economic actors
Paris Agreement alignment pathways
Alignment with 1.5°C by 2030
→ Low exposure (€2.3m
● Residential real estate
o Commercial real estate
● Aviation
O Cement
o Oil & Gas
at year-end 2022)
4 The Net-Zero Banking Alliance has identified 9 sectors with high greenhouse gas emissions ("carbon intensive" sectors) that should be given priority when banks are determining low-carbon pathways: agriculture, aluminium, cement, coal, real
estate, iron and steel, oil and gas, power generation and transport
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