Sustainable Strategy and Commitments slide image

Sustainable Strategy and Commitments

Dx Regulation | Tariff Structure The tariff is divided into two parts, Components A and B. Component B -20% Distribution Component A + Taxes -80% Energy Purchase Transmission Sector Charges Taxes Power Purchase enel ■ Public auctions based on lowest price (negotiations between Dx and Gx are not allowed) ◉ Obligation of 100% long term contractual coverage (with pass-trough tariff up to 105%) Transmission ■ National grid costs are shared between Dx, Gx and free consumers (50% for Gx side and 50% for consumption side) Sectorial Charges ■ Tariff subsidies costs are shared between all Dx (low income customer, renewable generation, thermal power plant fuel costs, etc) Distribution ■ Distribution Opex and Investment Remuneration Regulatory losses and delinquency costs 31
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