Investor Presentaiton
Budget Requests (cont.)
Decision Package #3 - Service and Rate Changes -
$36,787,500 General Funds
The agency is continuously evaluating provider rates across its provider network.
Through this decision package, SCDHHS is planning to implement targeted provider
rate increases. These changes are essential for maintaining healthy outcomes, as well
as access to care, for Medicaid beneficiaries.
Rate Increases for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Providers - Increase HCBS provider rates to support access
to care for the approximately 36,450 members in the HCBS waiver programs
Pediatric Dental Services - Increase rates to improve access to quality and improve patient outcomes. This increase will
bring South Carolina's Medicaid reimbursement rates closer to the current average of the American Dental Association's
Usual, Customary and Reasonable rate and comparable to Georgia and North Carolina Medicaid rates.
Autism Spectrum Disorder - Expand access to medically necessary services for Medicaid dependent children with autism by
allowing existing services in a group setting
DAODAS - Increase to existing rates as well as addition of new medical related codes. Addition of new codes will allow
County Authorities under DAODAS to provide care to their patients who are often medically compromised
Community Residential Care Facility - Increase rates by $25 for Medicaid members who are in the Optional State
Supplementation Program
Anesthesiology Services - Increase the Medicaid reimbursement rate closer to comparable states. South Carolina's rates
are 6% lower than North Carolina, 1% lower than Georgia and 41% lower than PEBA
Healthy Connections
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