Life of Young Syrians Post-Conflict slide image

Life of Young Syrians Post-Conflict

MOST YOUNG SYRIANS ARE SEEKING STABILITY IN THE NEXT TEN YEARS. LARGE PROPORTIONS ALSO INDICATE THAT THEY WANT TO BE 'HAPPY' IN GENERAL, AS WELL AS HAVE A FAMILY H13. What would you like your life to look like in 10 years? Net: to have stability: 65% To have a stable job/ that my partner/my kids/my husband find employment: 35% Stable life/personal stability: 18% Good financial status/good financial situation: 10% To have a home: to have a home Improved living situation / better living status: 5% Net: to have a family: 33% Married/ have a partner: 18% To have my family beside me: 16% To have kids: 8% Net: to be happy (general): 39% Better future/ better life: 19% Live in safety / security: 9% Happy: 8% Net: About Syria/ country: 10% That Syria returns to its old beautiful self: 6% Net: to study more: 15% Resume my education: 14% Net: Health-wise and mentally: 11% Good healthy life/good/ health: 5% Base: Country average reflects the simple average for three countries. Results are weighted to have country representation with equal shares Net: BASIC needs and requirements: 5% Net: Don't know/nothing: 2% Ipsos
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