Investor Presentaiton
Corporate Citizenship
Egypt Kuwait Holding (EKH) prides itself on actively participating in sustainable development, focusing on improving communities in the emerging economies in
which it does business and working diligently to create a better future for coming generations. From educational initiatives and contributions to NGOs and
charities, to stringent measures aimed at minimizing its environmental footprint, EKH remains deeply committed to ensuring a sustainable future.
Corporate Governance
Egypt Kuwait Holding (EKH) is committed to promoting a responsible, ethical business culture which safeguards the interests of our shareholders, stakeholders,
and the environment in which we operate. EKH assesses its policies and performance with respect to its Business Principles; Code of Conduct; Health, Safety,
Security and Environment (HSSE) policies; and major issues of public concern on behalf of the Board. Our corporate governance policies and practices are guided
by internationally recognized standards such as the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Projects
From its support of NGOs through applications and donations, to its involvement in spreading software knowledge to Egyptian universities, Egypt Kuwait Holding is
proud to have participated in numerous educational initiatives since 2014. EKH offers assistance to surrounding schools, supplying them with computers to further
develop students' cognitive and technical skills and providing support for renovating the infrastructure of the educational institutions.
EKH is an active supporter of Injaz Egypt, an organization working to bridge the gap between the education system and the private sector. In partnership with the
Ministry of Education and multinational and national companies, the program has positively impacted 500,000 Egyptian students in more than 451 public schools
and 21 universities in 26 governorates since its establishment in 2003. Injaz Egypt is a member nation of Junior Achievement, a global economic education
organization with a presence in over 100 countries, impacting over 8 million youth worldwide.
Egypt Kuwait Holding
Egypt Kuwait Holding | Investor Presentation
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