Investor Presentaiton
1999) as to collect a body of evidences on frauds and other illegal or informal procedures that
lead to land grabs in the last decades.
In recent decades the Congress² and some Legislative Assemblies investigated the grabbing
crime. In 2001, the CPI to investigate the occupation of public lands in the Amazon region
recognized: "At the national level, land grabbing must resolve with ease, the sum of 100 million
As a result of these surveys made by the government, justice initiated some actions to cancel
several titles recorded in registries. In the early 2000s were, according to Lima (2002), canceled
in 14 counties of the state of Amazonas, the equivalent of 48.5 million hectares of properties
registered to the respective property registries, demonstrating the fragility of the registration
system of real estate.
In negotiations with the Confederation of Agricultural Workers in June 2014, the Ministry of
Agrarian Development MDA issued a spreadsheet where the related shipping 124,666
documents issued by the federal government. Were presented fifteen different types of securities
issued in a special way in the seventies and eighties, with a total area of 15,106,820 hectares.
2.1. The case of land grabbing in Pará (Amazon region)
Since the starting of Brazilian colonization, the internal frontier is in expansion, with more or
less intensity throughout the years. Every period of our history brings with it certain
geographical loci where this process develops. If at first this expansion occurred near the coast
over time the occupation entered the Brazilian backlands. Far from being a linear phenomenon,
this expansion has often resulted in initial occupation and later abandonment for long periods in
regions that were intensely busy.
We can say loosely that the last of these expansions were mainly directed to the north of Mato
Grosso province, and the consolidation of the occupation, as always, ran over several indigenous
2 View: CPI from the sale of Brazilian land to foreign natural or legal person (Draft Resolution No. 89 of 12 June
1970, the CPI the Land System (Draft Resolution No. 85 of September 28, 1979), the CPI Violence in the
Countryside (Draft Resolution No. 85 of 19 May 1992), the CPI set to continue the gunmen crime investigations in
the Center-West and North, 1994; CPI investigated the occupation of public lands in the Amazon region in 2001.View entire presentation