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Investor Presentaiton

2 There is imbalance of deforestation risk with distribution of degraded land '000 ha, only considering minimum 500 ha parcels Degraded land > threatened forest Kab. Pasir 118 Kab. Penajam Pas Ut 77 50 Kab. Kutai Karta 774 6 Kab. Kutai Timur 965 109 5 No risk Kota Balikpapan, Bontang, Sama- rinda and Tarakan Forest under threat Degraded KBNKI Degraded kawasan hutanı Degraded land < threatened forest Kab. Berau Kab. Bulungan 136 144 150 51 Kab. Malinau 142 Kab. Kutai Barat Kab. Nunukan 255 106 204 N/A DRAFT Districts may need to 'trade' development opportunity with each other SOURCE: Ministry of Forestry; Ministry of Agriculture; draft RTRW 2009; Bappeda; team analysis 51 00 90 Working Draft - Last Modified 1/24/2011 11:00:36 PM Printed 1/25/2011 12:47:32 AM
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